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Quick, Simple, Consistent, Scalable Key & Button Icons

Keyboard Keys

Key Preview
  • Also supports FontAwesome Icons by prefixing the Label with far:/fas:/fab: (e.g. far:smile)
  • License for selected font available here

Mouse Buttons

Mouse Preview

  • Also supports FontAwesome Icons by prefixing the Label with far:/fas:/fab: (e.g. far:smile)
  • License for selected font available here

Usage provides a simple way to create Keyboard and Mouse icons, originally intended for visualizing inputs of games and other software to their users.

For example:
+ to copy the selected text
+ to paste the copied text
 to open the file

Script Tag

<script src=""></script>


npm install --save


<i class="keypics" data-mode="link" data-color="blue">K</i><!-- mode=link replaces the element with an <img> tag -->
<i class="keypics" data-mode="fetch" data-color="green">E</i><!-- mode=fetch downloads the SVG data and inserts it directly in the page -->
<i class="keypics" data-mode="link">Y</i>

<i class="keypics" data-type="mouse" data-label="x2">right</i>
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